Ethical Issues in Palliative Care

4 ECTS / Annual / Portuguese

Intended learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students):

  1. Identify the relevant principles, values and responsibilities for the analysis of the main ethical issues in palliative care
  2. Discuss the relevant ethical principles, values and responsibilities in palliative care and understand their specificities
  3. Analyse palliative care clinical cases in a critical and substantiated manner and use the ethical decision based on ethical deliberation tools
  4. Generate ethical decision processes in response to ethical problems and dilemmas in palliative care


  1. The Patient and family vulnerability in palliative care: challenges and requirements Values, ethical principles and legislation applicable to palliative care
  2. Ethical decision making in palliative care
  3. Ethical dilemmas in palliative care (hydration and nutrition in terminal patients; withholding or suspending clinical intervention; patient autonomous decision power; euthanasia and medically assisted suicide; conspiracy of silence)