Theoretical Component 

First Class - Introduction

  • Theories on the functions of sleep
  • Adaptations of bodily Functions of sleep
  • Role of Dental Medicine in Sleep Medicine
  • Role of Technicians in Sleep Medicine

 A1. Physiological Basis of Sleep I

  1. Effects of acute and chronic sleep deprivation
  2. Sleep and dreaming
  3. Gender differences in sleep
  4. Sleep, Mind and Gut

A2. Physiological basis of sleep II

  1. The neurophysiology and neurobiology of wakefulness, non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, and paradoxical (REM) sleep
  2. Sleep and psychology (cognitive and emotional processes) 

B. Assessment of sleep disorders and diagnostic procedures

  1. Classification of sleep disorders
  2. The clinical interview and clinical examination
  3. Measuring: Monitoring sleep and wakefulness
  4. Measuring: Monitoring sleep and wakefulness
  5. Other tests and examinations
  6. Biomarkers for disturbed sleep

C. Disturbances of Sleep I


  1. Nosological classification, definitions, and epidemiology
  2. Pathophysiology
  3. Clinical picture and diagnosis
  4. Comorbidities and special populations
  5. Treatment
    5.1 Current guidelines
    5.2 Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia and other psychotherapeutic approaches
    5.3 Pharmacological treatment
    5.4 Evidence-based efficacy of alternative interventions

Sleep and Psychiatry

  1. Overview
  2. Ubstance use disorders
  3. Schizophrenia spectrum disorders
  4. Affective disorders
  5. Anxiety disorders
  6. Other psychiatric disorders
  7. Sleep and geriatrics
    7.1 Aging and sleep: Sleep in all stages of human development
    7.2 Sleep in the elderly
    7.3 Sleep disorders in the elderly

D. Disturbances of Sleep II

Hypersomnias of central origin

  1. Nosological classification, definitions, and epidemiology
  2. Etio-pathophysiology
  3. Clinical picture and diagnosis
  4. Treatment
  5. Miscellaneous topics


  1. Nosological classification, definitions, and epidemiology
  2. Pathophysiology and psychopathology
  3. Clinical findings
  4. Special populations and comorbidities
  5. Treatment
  6. Miscellaneous topics

Sleep and Neurology I

  1. Overview
  2. Epilepsy

Sleep-related movement disorders

  1. Nosological classification, definitions, and epidemiology
  2. Pathophysiology
  3. Clinical picture and diagnosis
  4. Comorbidities
  5. Treatment

Sleep and Neurology II

  1. Parkinsonian Syndromes
  2. Dementias
  3. Stroke
  4. Headache
  5. Multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune disorders
  6. Neuromuscular disorders

E. Disturbances of Sleep III

  1. Sleep-related breathing disorders
  2. Nosological classification, definitions, and epidemiology
  3. Pathophysiology
  4. Clinical picture and diagnosis
  5. Obstructive sleep apnea and comorbidities: A specific focus on cardiometabolic comorbidities
  6. Treatment

Sleep and Pulmonology

  1. Overview and pathophysiology
  2. Obstructive sleep apnea and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap
  3. Sleep-disordered breathing and asthma
  4. Sleep-disordered breathing and Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD)
  5. Hypoventilation disorders

F. Disturbances of Sleep IV

Circadian rhythm sleep disorders

  1. Nosological classification, definitions, and epidemiology
  2. Pathophysiology
    2.1Shift work
    2.2Delayed sleep-wake phase disorder
    2.3Non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder
  3. Clinical picture and diagnosis
  4. Comorbidities
  5. Health risks
  6. Treatment

G. Sleep in Pediatric ages

Pediatric sleep disorders

  1. Chronic insomnia
  2. Specific features of parasomnias
  3. Obstructive sleep apnea
  4. Sleep-related movement disorders
  5. Narcolepsy
  6. Sleep in neurodevelopmental disorders
  7. Sleep and Education – academic performance

H. Sleep and other Medical Specialties

Sleep and internal medicine

  1. cardiovascular diseases: Heart failure, coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, and hypertension
  2. endocrine diseases: Diabetes mellitus, diseases of the thyroid, acromegaly, polycystic ovarian syndrome
  3. Nocturia
  4. Cancer
  5. Chronic fatigue and pain syndromes
  6. Sleep in critically ill patients

I: Dental Sleep Medicine

  1. Clinical documentation (International Guidelines, Informed Consent)
  2. Anamneses and Screening in Dental Sleep Medicine
    2.1Oral Evaluation (Periodontal evaluation, Occlusal relationship, Dentistry Evaluation, Muscle palpation)
  3. Patients’ evaluation (postural, extra-oral, and intra-oral observation)
  4. Upper Airway (anatomic radiographic aspects and evaluation)
    4.1 TMJ (general considerations and approach on TMJ and TMJ dysfunction)
    4.2 MAD for TMJ dysfunction (selection of patient, treatment considerations, and management)
  5. COAT-Continue Opening Airway Therapy
    5.1MAD (selection criteria, international nomenclature, types of MAD, medical indications, contra-indications, MAD delivery)
    5.2 MAD titration and screening contro
    5.3 George Gauge Bite Registration (guidelines and clinical orientations)
    5.4 MAD Side-effects (management and control)
    5.5New Advancements on MAD
  6. Oral Comorbidities on OSA (observation, approach, and management)
  7. Sleep Bruxism
  8. Paediatric Sleep (observation criteria, risk factors, approach, and management of OSA and Snore)
    8.1 Oral Observation and Anamneses
    8.2 Cast models analyses and evaluation
    8.3 Cephalometric analyses
    8.4 Myofunctional Therapy (Muscle Evaluation, Indications, and Exercises Therapy)
    8.5 Treatment approach and management
  9. Treatment (Maxilla-mandibula Surgical approach, Management and Outcomes, Marpe-Baume maxillary expansion, and UAW outcomes)
  10. Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation (patient`s selection, intraoral analysis, dentist role)
  11. Combine Therapy CPAP-MAD (indications, management, and outcomes)

J. Sleep and Pharmacology

  1. Effects of various pharmacological treatments on sleep
  2. Other substances (caffeine, tobacco, drugs) and sleep

L. Sleep and Nutrition

M. Sleep and Exercise

O. Sleep and Research

  1. Research design and quantitative methods
  2. Writing an article

Practical Component

The practical component is specific to each group of professionals. However, students from one group may assist practical specific sessions of another group (optional).

  1. (***). Sleep Lab
  2. (***). PSG scoring EEG Adults
  3. Questionnaires CBT, practical cases
  4. (**). MLST and MWT practical cases
  5. (***). PSG scoring respiratory events and movement events
  6. (**). Other tests: capnography, oximetry, and respiratory function tests
  7. (***). Sleep and ventilation: adaptation and follow-up
  8. (**). Actigraphy
  9. (***). PSG scoring EEG sleep Studies Pediatrics
  10. (*). Interpretation of PSG, HSAT, and biological fluids
  11. Dental Medicine
  12. (***). Sleep in Clinical Practice I (Fellowship)
  13. (***). Meet the Expert in Sleep Lab

Technicians Group - Practical Component

  1. (***). Sleep Lab
  2. (***). PSG scoring EEG Adults
  3. (**). MLST and MWT practical cases
  4. Epilepsy, Parasomnias and PSG
  5. (***). PSG scoring respiratory events and movement events
  6. (**). Other tests: capnography, oximetry, and respiratory function tests
  7. (***). Sleep and ventilation: adaptation and follow-up
  8. (**). Actigraphy
  9. (***). PSG scoring EEG sleep Studies Pediatrics
  10. (***). Sleep in Clinical Practice I (Fellowship)
  11. (***). Meet the Expert in Sleep Lab

Medical Dentists Group – Practical Component

  1. (***). Sleep Lab
  2. (***). PSG scoring EEG Adults
  3. (***). PSG scoring respiratory events and movement events
  4. (***). PSG scoring EEG sleep Studies Pediatrics
  5. (***). Sleep and ventilation: adaptation and follow-up
  6. Dental Sleep Medicine
    6.1 Myofunctional Therapy and Myofunctional devices
    6.2 Occlusal registration bite with George Gauge and Intra-oral impressions (silicone or scanner)
    6.2 Delivery and MAD adjustments
  7. (*). Interpretation of results PSG, HSAT, and biological fluids
  8. (***). Sleep in Clinical Practice I (Fellowship)
  9. (***). Meet the Expert in Sleep Lab


(***) – same session for the 3 groups
(**) – same session for medical and technician group
(*) - same session for medical and medical dentist group


Católica Medical School

Católica Medical School

Phone: (+351) 218 724 200 (Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.)
Sintra Campus
Estrada Octávio Pato
2635-631 Rio de Mouro