Health Professionals with direct intervention/interest in Oncology, and/or searching for skills and competences for intervention/research in Nutrition and Metabolism in Cancer:

- Oncologists - Radio-Oncologists

- Haemato-Oncologists

- Internists - General Practitioners (MGF)

- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

- Pediatricians

- Medical Residents in each medical specialty

- Nurses, Nutritionists, Pharmacists, Psychologists, Physiotherapists,

- Medical degree in the academical career or research

- Researchers of Fundamental science (Biochemistry; Biology, Biotechnology, etc)


Católica Medical School

Católica Medical School

Phone: (+351) 218 724 200 (Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.)
Sintra Campus
Estrada Octávio Pato
2635-631 Rio de Mouro