The UCP Medicine course is an Integrated Master's Degree lasting six academic years. It has a highly innovative curriculum, resulting from collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Maastricht, an institution of great international prestige. It also has a partnership for the clinical component with the Luz Saúde Group, one of the largest private health groups in Portugal. The course is supported by modern pedagogies, with a strong technological base, and seeks to guarantee the humanization of the medical profession.
The Medicine course will use student-centred teaching methodologies that foster learning autonomy, with greater retention and depth of knowledge, with proven clinical skills. The course is aligned with the Maastricht University teaching and evaluation model, will have training at the best international level, with top teachers and will be taught in English, with the clinical component in Portuguese. The course will allow access to international training mobility with other leading medical schools.
The Integrated Master in Medicine is taught by Católica Medical School, an academic unit of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa and will take place at the Sintra Campus of the UCP, next to Tagus Parque, in a modern building endowed with exceptional study conditions and technological resources. This building has a vast area dedicated to research and will have a modern library. To support all those who study and work there will be a bar, a canteen and transport services.
The predominant scientific area of the cycle of studies is Medicine with the CNAEF 721 Classification - first foundational area, according to Ordinance No. 256/2005, of March 16.
The completion of the Integrated Master in Medicine requires the completion of 360 ECTS and the programme has a duration of 6 academic years (12 semesters), following Article 3 of Decree-Law No. 74/2006 of March 24, under the language of Decree-Law No. 65/2018 of August 16.
In the first three curricular years, the completion of 180 ECTS corresponds to the first cycle of studies and grants students the degree of Bachelor in Basic Sciences of Medicine. The second cycle of studies has the objective of completing the remaining 180 ECTS, in the last three curricular years, and grants the degree of Master in Medicine.
Higher education in Medicine is regulated at European level, with a view to the recognition of the respective professional qualification among the Member States.
The Integrated Master in Medicine benefits from a partnership with Grupo Luz Saúde and the close partnership with Maastricht University, Administração Regional de Saúde de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, I.P., Hospital Beatriz Ângelo and União das Misericórdias Portuguesas.
The degree is taught in Católica Medical School, at Sintra Campus, at the Hospital da Luz in Lisbon and other healthcare units and facilities of Grupo Luz Saúde, and Health Centres and Facilities of the Administração Regional de Saúde de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, I.P., Hospital Beatriz Ângelo and healthcare units of União das Misericórdias Portuguesas.
This program is supported by the TRAINING4RESILIENCE project, funded by the European Union (NextGenerationEU), STEAM Youth Impulse and Adult Impulse, as part of the Recovery and Resilience Programme (PRR).