Intended learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students):
Specific knowledge and competences:
- Principles of privacy, confidentiality and other ethical considerations
- Ability to: take detailed History and perform Clinical Examination from patient/parent/caretaker; formulate a list of differential diagnosis and carry out appropriate investigations; carry holistic and integrated management of common conditions in the community and the hospital; conduct antenatal care; provide counselling in family planning and provide services,
- Knowledge about nutrition, growth and development requirements of neonates, children and adolescents and their abnormal states including patients with special needs
- Skills:Speculum examination and taking of specimens; Plot and interpret Partograph in normal labour; Weigh and measure the length/height of patients; Measure blood pressure; Check blood sugar
- Perform under supervision: venepuncture; neonatal and paediatric resuscitation ; stabilization of patients presenting with common paediatric emergencies.
Key disciplines: Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Gynaecological Surgery, Reproductive Medicine, Neonatology, Paediatrics, Adolescence Medicine, Child Dermatology, Child Ophthalmology, Child Orthopaedics, Child ENT, Genetics.
- Nutrition, growth and development requirements of neonates, children and adolescents and their abnormal states including patients with special needs
- Speculum examination and taking of specimens; Plot and interpret Partograph in normal labour; Weigh and measure the length/height of patients; Measure blood pressure; Check blood sugar
- Venepuncture; neonatal and paediatric resuscitation ; stabilization of patients presenting with common paediatric emergencies.