

Anatomy is the basis science of the study of the human body, in all educational programs in the health sciences, and dissection is the richest way to materialize this learning.


Starting from the classic concept of anatomical theater and adapting it to the reality of modern anatomy departments, this laboratory was created with 410 square meters, which has several rooms for the preparation of pieces and corpses, preservation rooms with freezing and refrigeration chambers, changing rooms and two dissection rooms for pre and postgraduate education, with eight dissection tables.

All anatomical pieces used, were altruistically donated through the cadaveric donation program, and following all legal and ethical standards that guarantee the dignified treatment of the body.


Our department also promotes the in vivo anatomical study, through anatomical models and through interactive classes with digital supports (3D atlas, digital microscopy…), tutorials and other practical sessions in the field of Embryology and Histology, whose teaching takes place predominantly at the Histology Laboratory  and Microscopy Rooms.

Luís Mascarenhas de Lemos

Body Donation Program of Católica Medical School

The teaching of Anatomy has an unquestionably relevant role in the training of medical students, and their learning depends on the meticulous study of the human body. By donating their body, donors enable the medical student to have a greater and better knowledge of the human organism, which will inevitably endow him with skills that will also be reflected in the care provided to living individuals. It is therefore important to remember that the teaching of Anatomy depends on the altruism and generosity of individuals who donate their bodies to science so that students and health professionals can develop skills and learning, that only the profound study of the human body allows.

Católica Medical School is extremely grateful to all those who, provided with philanthropic generosity, donate their bodies to science and to the teaching of Medicine. The decision to donate one's body to teaching should be considered a vital gift for the consolidation and advancement of Life Sciences in general and, therefore, a civic act of the greatest generosity.

The donation of the body to the Católica Medical School is processed accordingly with the Internal Procedure for Body Donation.


Luís Mascarenhas de Lemos, MD (Coordinator)

Patrícia Caetano da Silva, TSDT (Coordination Assistant)

This Lab is supported by the TRAINING4RESILIENCE project, funded by the European Union (NextGenerationEU), STEAM Youth Impulse and Adult Impulse, as part of the Recovery and Resilience Programme (PRR).