
4 ECTS / Modular / English

Intended learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students): 

The main objective of this elective CU is to transmit knowledge of a new field of medicine that aims the study of oncological diseases, namely, oncogenomics or precision oncology. 

It is intended that students acquire competencies on precision oncology that allows to identify the genetic risk of developing specific cancers, completely framed in the international recommendations. In the presence of an already diagnosed cancer, precision oncology allows to find molecular changes in the tumour cells aiming for prognostic and prediction, as for example the responses to anti-cancer drugs. 


Introduction to Oncology concepts: 

  1. Epidemiology and notions about the "nature of cancer"
  2. Family cancer and Carcinogenesis 
  3. Cellular oncogenesis and the constitution of a tumor population
  4. Tumor cells and microenvironment 
  5. Signal transduction and growth factors
  6. Cell cycle and cell immortalization 
  7. Cancer versus host (biological competition) and the Biology of Metastasis: primary tumor, micrometastatic disease and clinical recurrence 

Precision Oncology: 

  1. Current approaches to diagnosis and therapy in Precision Oncology
  2. Bioinformatics in Precision Oncology 
  3. Application of the knowledge of tumor cell biology in molecular diagnosis and in the identification of prognostic factors
  4. Application of the knowledge of tumor cell biology in the therapeutic strategy 
  5. Identification of molecular targets and development of new therapeutic strategies