Conference Invitation | Relational Health: an emerging challenge

Wednesday, January 18, 2023 - 09:00 to 13:00
Saúde Relacional - Um desafio emergente

The Movement for Relational Health, promoted by Relational Lab, invites you to participate in the Conference "Relational Health: an emerging challenge".

The Relationship constitutes the foundation of the act of caring, which goes beyond the provision of care based on a unilateral perspective of the caregiver and translates into a two-way practice, centered on the person cared for.

This co-authorship in the construction of care presupposes an effective, efficient, and lasting connection between the different actors that aims to achieve greater effectiveness and efficiency in healthcare and, simultaneously, an adequate level of well-being for all parties involved in this process.

This event aims to promote a moment of reflection and sharing about the challenges and opportunities of Relational Health.

When? 18th january

Schedule? 09h00 às 13h00

Where? Católica Medical School Multicare Auditorium

 Registration form

Registration until January 12th. In case the button above doesn't work, you can follow the URL


All healthcare processes take place within the framework of relationships.  

Join us in this Movement for Relational Health!