a. Why medicine at Católica?

At Católica, the teaching is of quality, based on rigour and inspired by the values of Christian humanism, which trains students with a consistent preparation for the exercise of the profession they choose.

In addition to the above, the Integrated Master in Medicine of the Católica Medical School is a distinctive and innovative course due to its characteristics, among which we highlight:

  • Promotion of excellence in medical education, through the development of a study plan with a pedagogical methodology, already internationally validated in prestigious university centres, with proven success and subject to constant quality monitoring by the responsible structure - the Maastricht University - and by a structure specifically created for that purpose (the Medical Education Centre);
  • Promotion of research with a culture of openness to the world, cultivating the transversality of knowledge and based on the Christian humanist principles of Católica;
  • Opening up the teaching of medicine to international students, as in other academic units of Católica.

Access here to know the remaining differentiating characteristics that make UCP the choice for the learning of the Medicine degree.

b. When was the Católica Medical School be inaugurated?

The Catolica Medical School has been in open since September 13, 2021, with the Inauguration Ceremony taking place on September 14, at 2:00pm.

This session was chaired by the High Chancellor of the University, D. Manuel Clemente.

More information about Inauguration of the Católica Medical School.

c. Where the Católica Medical School be located?

The Católica Medical School is located on the Sintra Campus.

The Universidade Católica Portuguesa ensures the transport of all its students, and  all staff (teaching and non-teaching), through a regular and free shuttle service (buses) between the station of Sete Rios (Lisbon), the station of Oeiras and the Católica Medical School (Sintra Campus)

For more information see Transport and/or Accommodation.

d. When was the course start to be taught?

The first curricular year of the Integrated Master in Medicine course started on September 13, 2021.

e. When do applications open?

Information on the application deadline is available on the Applications.

f. How many vacancies are there in the Medicine course?

For the academic year 2024/2025, the number of vacancies for the Integrated Masters in Medicine is available in the Call for Applications Notice.

More information in Applications.

h. What are the entrance exams necessary?

The entrance exams for the Integrated Master in Medicine are:

02 — Biology and Geology (B) 


07 — Physics and Chemistry (Q) 


16 — Mathematics.

More information at Admission Requirements.

i. What is the minimum grade for access to the Medical course?

The minimum admission score for Integrated Master in Medicine are:

  •   Minimum application score: 150 points
  •   Minimum the entrance exam score: 140 points

More information at Admission requirements.

j. What teaching method be used in the Medicine course?

The Católica Medical School has implement a variety of teaching methods, using Problem-based Learning” (PBL) as its primary method. This method involves solving realistic problems through individual research and teamwork. 

More information on Teaching Methods.

k. Católica Medical School provide scholarships? When and how can I apply?

It is the policy of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, in all its formative offer, to try to alleviate the effort required from students and their families, for which:

  • There are merit scholarships;
  • There are a social scholarships;
  • Meals in cafeterias/canteens are subsidized;
  • Accommodation and transportation, during rotations and internships, will be supported by the University.

The Social Responsibility Office (GRS) of Universidade Católica Portuguesa supports students in situations of economic need through decrease and exemption tuition fees.

Conditions and application deadlines are published annually on the Social Responsibility Office (GRS) website.

More information at Scholarships and Tuition fee.

l. From which year do students begin to have a clinical training?

The students in the 1st and 2nd year start training for clinical practice through technical simulations with actors.

In the 3rd year, they will have their first contact with clinical practice in a real context, through the integration in teams of the Grupo Luz Saúde units, particularly Hospital da Luz Oeiras.

In the 4th and 5th year they will have clinical rotations in:

They will also have practical classes in the simulation centre of the Grupo Luz Saúde, which has technology that is unique in Portugal. This approach benefits students, providing them with self-confidence and autonomy that ensures the best possible performance in the exercise of their practice.

In the 6th year, there will be two internship curricular units, a “Health Care Internship” and a “Scientific Research Internship”. Each student will have to develop a final project related to their internship, to be presented and discussed in public defences, according to article 20 of Decree-Law no. 74/2006, of March 24, in the text language established by Decree-Law no. 65/2018, of August 16.

More information at Partnership and Collaborations.

m. Will the students of medicine go to public hospitals for an internship?

Yes, the students in addition to clinical rotations and interships healthcare units in Grupo Luz Saúde, they will also have access to different hospital environments, including:

The planning of the rotation and internships was done in order to ensure the best functioning of the rotations and to promote the diversification of the students' exposure to different hospital environments and contexts. In all areas of the rotation, students will follow the teams where they are inserted, thus spending part of the time in the clinic with outpatient activity and another part in the hospital with inpatients. In this way, the same quality in the training of all students is guaranteed.

More information at Partnerships and Collaborations

n. Which hospitals will they be able to intern in?

Students can carry out clinical rotations and internships in:

More information at Partnerships and Collaborations.

o. What are the partner hospitals?

All Hospitals and Outpatient Clinics of the Grupo Luz Saúde, clinical partner of the Católica Medical School.

More information at Clinical Partnership – Grupo Luz Saúde.

p. Do the partner hospitals have all the specialties?

The Hospital da Luz Lisboa possesses all specialties and the necessary requirements to be a university hospital, in accordance with Decree-Law No. 61/2018, of August 3, including a clinical trial centre and a simulation centre.

Students will be integrated into the medical teams of the Grupo Luz Saúde’s health units, which include a rehabilitation hospital and a public-private partnership hospital.

All specialties are represented, ensuring exposure to all necessary aspects of Medicine.

More information at Clinical Partnership – Grupo Luz Saúde.

q. Will transport between the Medical School and the partner health institutions be ensured?

Yes, Católica Medical School will take all necessary measures to assure transport and/or accommodation for students of the Integrated Master in Medicine.

More information at Transport and/or accommodation.

r. With the course taken at Católica can I enter the Portuguese Medical Association?

Yes, students who complete the Integrated Master's Degree in Medicine at the Católica Medical School meet the legal requirements for access to the Portuguese Medical Association, in accordance with the Regulamento de Inscrição na Ordem dos Médicos.

s. Is access to the specialty available in the same way for those studying in public education?

Yes, access to medical internship is done after completing the Integrated Master in Medicine.

For more information, consult the Medical Internship Regulation, approved by Ordinance No. 79/2018.

t. How much is the tuition fee?

The value of tuition reflect the estimated real cost of training a doctor in Portugal, the monthly tuition fee will be € 1.795,00, with 10 monthly fees per academic year.

The annual registration fee is € 1.650,00.

The application fee for the Integrated Master in Medicine will be € 400.00. This amount is not refundable.

More information at Scholarships and Tuition fee.

v. I have a degree and intend to apply for a Medicine degree. What is the process?

Access to the Integrated Master in Medicine at the Católica Medical School is not available, for the academic year 2024/2025, through special competitions for access and entry to higher education - holders of other higher education courses, generally designated as special contests, under Decree-Law No. 113/2014, of July 16 with the current wording of Decree-Law, No. 11/2020, of April 2 2020.

w. Can I apply through the "Over 23" regime?

Access to the Integrated Master in Medicine at the Católica Medical School is not availablefor the academic year 2024/2025, through special competitions for access and entry to higher education, generally designated as special contests, under Decree-Law No. 113/2014, of July 16 with the current wording of Decree-Law, No. 11/2020, of April 2 2020.

x. I am studying at another university. Can I transfer or change course?

The change of Institution / Course Pair to the Integrated Master in Medicine of the Católica Medical School is available, for the academic year 2024/2025, through the regime of change of Institution / Course Pair in higher education institutions, under Ordinance No. 181-D / 2015 , of June 19 in its current wording.

y. I am attending foreign secondary education, which final exams do I apply for?

You must complete the final exams of terminal subjects of the respective foreign secondary education course, homologous to the subjects of Portuguese education, namely the entrance exams in Admission Conditions and General Admissions – Foreign Secondary Education or Special Admissions - International Students, depending on the applicant nationality.

More information at DGES website in Substitution of Portuguese Entrance Final Exams for Foreign Exams.

z. The Católica Medical School will open vacancies for International Students?

Access to the Integrated Master in Medicine at the Católica Medical School is not available, through special competitions for access and entry to higher education for International Students, for next academic year, under Decree-Law No. 62/2018, of August 6, and Order No. 6421/2021, of June 30.

More informations at Special Admissions - International Students.

_a. How much is the tuition fee for the international students?

The monthly tuition fee for international students will be € 2.225,00, with 10 monthly fees per academic year.

The annual registration fee is € 1.650,00.

The application fee for the Integrated Master in Medicine will be € 400.00. This amount is not refundable.

More information at Scholarships and Tuition fee.

_b.What was the grade of the last student admitted in the academic year 2023/2024?

According to the final ordering list, the application grade of the last student admitted in 2nd phase to the Integrated Master’s in Medicine was 165.4.

_c. How is the application grade for the Integrated Master´s in Medicine calculated?

The application grade is a rating on a scale from 0 to 200, calculated by applying the following formula, the result of which is rounded to the nearest tenth.:

S × ps + [(P1 + P2 + P3) / 3] x pp + R × pr


S = secondary school grade, on the full scale from 0 to 200;

ps = weight attributed by Católica Medical School to the classification of secondary education, set at 50%, corresponding to 0.5;

P1, P2 e P3 = classifications, on the entire scale from 0 to 200, of the national final exams of secondary education corresponding to the entrance exams required by the Católica Medical School, namely, 02 — Biology and Geology (B) and 07 — Physics and Chemistry (Q) and 16 — Math;

pp = weight attributed by Católica Medical School to the classifications of the entrance exams required, set at 35%, corresponding to 0.35;

R = rating assigned to the prerequisite, on the full scale from 0 to 200;

pr = weight attributed by Católica Medical School to the classification of the ranking prerequisite, set at 15%, corresponding to 0.15.

More information at  Regulation for Access and Admission to the Integrated Master’s in Medicine of the Católica Medical School at Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

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