a. I was admitted to the Integrated Master’s in Medicine (IMM) and now?

After the results are published, and if you are one of the admitted applicants, you will be contacted with all practical instructions for the next steps (enrollment, registration, payment of tuition fees, timetables, start of classes, etc.). All communication it will be by email, so you should pay attention to the email address provided in the application process.

You only become a IMM student after formalizing your enrollment and registration and payment of the first three tuition fees.

We always try to be clear in our contacts and in the transmission of information, however, if you have any questions you can contact us through our general email: medicina.fm@ucp.pt.

b. How can I get the sub23 pass?

The sub23 pass is intended for higher education students up to and including 23 years of age and, in the case of higher education students enrolled in Medicine courses, up to and including 24 years of age. It is a transport ticket that allows you to have discounts on the price of monthly passes.

To get it you must:

  1. Fill in the first frame of the enrollment declaration available here.
  2. Deliver this document to the transport company to issue the sub23 pass card.

c. How can I get my student card?

The student card is free but mandatory for all students enrolled at the Catolica Medical´s School. It is issued by Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD) and offers the student two options:

  1. Just an identification card, without an bank account.
  2. Identification card associated with a bank account at CGD.

To request its issuance the student must at the beginning of each academic year and on a date to be defined go to the CGD stand available at Catolica Medical School´s and apply for his card. If you are unable to attend on the scheduled dates, you can always go to the CGD agency in Cidade Universitária (Lisbon).

d. How can I apply for a Scholarship?

It is the orientation of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa in all its training offer to seek to alleviate the effort required of students and their families, so that students of the Catolica Medical´s School have:

  1. Scholarships
  2. Merit Scholarships

You can consult here all the information regarding the award of grants at Scholarships.

e. How can I request a declaration/certificate of enrollment?


All declarations and certificates are issued by the School Services of Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

Therefore, to request one of these documents, you must access the ESCA platform and make a new request following the sequence below:

1st - top menu ‘Updates and Services’
2nd - left side menu ‘Academic Services’
3rd - choose form, fill in and press send button
4th- make the respective payment, whenever applicable

As soon as the documents are issued, they are sent to the Católica Medical School, being available for collection in the Academic and Administrative Area.

f. Am I covered by school insurance? How can I activate it in the event of an accident?

The Universidade Católica Portuguesa subscribed a school insurance for each Student with Fidelidade - Companhia de Seguros, S.A.. This insurance is mandatory for all students.

Any student at the Católica Medical School is covered by it from the moment they formalize their enrollment in the IMM.

You will be able to consult all the information about the policy, as well as the procedure for reporting accidents in Students.

g. I have already attended another course in Higher Education, can I apply for equivalence to IMM curricular units?

Regarding the Universidade Católica Portuguesa equivalence regulation, published in Order NR/C/0332/2019 of October 24, 2019, it is possible for any student to request equivalence of Curricular Units.

The equivalence request must be formalized at the time of enrollment and within the deadlines defined annually for that purpose. The Scientific Council of Católica Medical School is responsible for evaluating, appraising, and deciding on requests for equivalence of previous training.

h. I will have to buy mandatory books and materials?

The Católica Medical School´s Library has all the necessary materials and resources available to students.

You can find here more information about our library.

i. Are classes mandatory?

Attending classes is a right and a duty of students. For all types of classes, a minimum of 2/3 of mandatory attendance is established, except for theoretical classes, unless the coordinator indicates in the Block Book.

j. What is needed to justify an absence?

The request for justification of the absences must be made by the student. It must be a written request, sent to our general email, addressed to the coordinator of the curricular unit in question and instructed with all the respective supporting documents. It must be presented within a maximum period of 5 (five) working days after the student's absence.

k. How many examination periods are there for IMM students?

In each academic year there are three examination periods: normal, resit and special period.

The access conditions for each of these periods are described in the Regulation of Study Cycles of the Católica Medical School of the Universidade católica Portuguesa.

l. As a student, can I consult the scores/grades of the different assessment components of the various Curricular Units?

After the publication of the final grades of the Curricular Unit on student platform Blackboard, the final and partial scores/grades in Academic and Administrative Area of Católica Medical School.

All students will be able to consult their respective scores/grades.

m. As a student, can I consult the various written assessment elements and appeal the assigned classification?

After the publication of the classifications, each student must be given access to the respective test, corrected and classified, as well as the correction criteria, upon formal request from the student. Requests for revision of the final written exam classifications are addressed and formalized to the UC coordinator, within 2 (two) working days, counting from the date of consultation of the test.

n. How can I make improvement?

The student can improve the classification, in relation to each Curricular Unit, by exam or frequency, if the Curricular Unit is still in operation and in accordance with what is described in the Curricular Unit Book.

Students who intend to improve their classification must use one of the two assessment periods immediately following the one in which they passed, with the exception of the special period.

The student can only make a single registration for improvement of classification per Curricular Unit during his academic career.

o. What are the special statutes provided for?

Students who meet the legal and regulatory requirements for their recognition are considered covered by special conditions of attendance, in the following categories:

  • Working student;
  • Student in mobility;
  • Student leader of the association;
  • Student with a disability;
  • Student practicing high performance sports;
  • Students in maternity or paternity situations, firefighter students and military students have the provisions of the general law in force.

p. How can I apply for student worker status?

The working student status must be requested through an online form available on the academic management platform up to 15 (fifteen) working days before the start of the academic year.

In order to benefit from the statute, the working student must prove his/her status as a worker in one of the ways described in the Regulations for Study Cycles of the Católica Medical School of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

q. What happens if you are unable to pay the tuition fees within the established deadlines?

After the payment deadline and in accordance with the table of tuition fees for each year, a monthly penalty corresponding to 5% of the missing tuition fee is applied.

To this penalty will be added others, of equal value, for each month of delay in payment, due until full payment of the amount owed.

All consequences of non-payment are communicated to students at the beginning of each academic year.

r. Where can I check the dates and amounts of tuition fees? And the invoices for my payments?


To consult the dates, amounts and payment details, you need to access the E-Services for Academic Citizens (E-SCA) module on the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) page, through this address.

UCP invoices/receipts are issued by a certified program and automatically integrated into E-fatura, on the finance portal, with the student's tax identification number (NIF) and can be consulted at E-Services at Academic Citizen (E-SCA) in “Settled Movements”.

s. I want to cancel my registration, how can I do that and what are the consequences?

In accordance with number 5 of article 20 of the Regulation for Access and Admission to the integrated study cycle leading to the Master's degree in Medicine of the Católica Medical School of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, in the event of cancellation of registration, on a date to be defined annually, the second and third monthly payments will be refunded, as long as required within the established deadlines. The registration fee and the first monthly fee are non-refundable in case of cancellation of registration.


t. I forgot the credentials to access my UCP account, how can I recover it?

To recover the access credentials, you must access the personal data maintenance page and choose the option "Forgot Username / Password" on the entry screen and enter your email or user number.