1st year, 1st and 2nd semester

Curricular Unit Scientific Area


Total Duration ECTS Observations



Anual 280 TP: 62.0 10  
Data Collection and Organization


1º semestre 224 TP: 50.0 8  

Scientific Thought and Methodology

CT 2º semestre 224 OT: 5.0; T: 15.0; TP: 30.0 8  

Thesis Project

MD/CB/CAM Anual 280 OT: 10.0; S: 25.0; TP: 25.0 10  

Conditional Optional Curricular Unit

CT Anual 112 O: 25.0 4 a)

Optional Advanced Training

Op Anual 560 O: 120.0 20 b) e c)

Clinical Rotation: Advanced Dental Clinics

Op Anual 560 PL-100.0; S-0.0; T-0.0; SD: S-15.0; T-5.0 20 b)

Laboratory Rotation

Op Anual 560 PL-120.0 20 b)

Ethics and Bioethics in Health

Op Anual 112 TP: 25.0 4

Conditional Optional


Ethics and Laboratory Safety

Op Anual 112 PL: 5.0; T: 20.0 4 Conditional Optional

Specificities of Palliative Care Research

Op Anual 112 OT:2.5; S:2.5; TP:20.0 4 Optional

Fundamentals of Psychology and Psychiatry for Medical Research

Op Anual 112 OT:2.0; PL:7.0; S: 3.0; T:5.0; TP:8.0 4 Optional

Communication Management in Palliative Care

Op Anual 112 OT: 2.0; S: 3.0; T: 8.0; TP: 12.0 4 Optional

Management of Highly Complex Situations in Palliative Care

Op Anual 112 OT-2.0; S-3.0; T-8.0; TP-12.0 4 Optional

Research in Medical Education

Op Anual 112 OT-3.0; PL-3.0; S-2.0; T-9.0; TC-5.0; TP-3.0 4 Optional

Precision Dental Medicine

Op Anual



S-5.0; T-8.0; TP-12.0 4 Optional

Nutrition, metabolism, health and disease

Op Anual 112 OT-12.0; PL-3.0; S-3.0; T-4.0; TP-3.0 4 Optional

Ethical Issues in Palliative Care

Op Anual 112 OT-3.0; T-10.0; TP-12.0 4 Optional

2nd year, 1st and 2nd semester

Curricular Unit Scientific Area Duration Total Contact ECTS Observations
Follow-Up Seminars I MD/CB/CAM Anual 56 S-18.0 2  
Thesis I MD/CB/CAM Anual 1624 OT-100.0 58  

3rd year, 1st and 2nd semester

Curricular Unit Scientific Area Duration Total Contact ECTS Observations
Follow-Up Seminars II MD/CB/CAM Anual 56 S-18.0 2  
Thesis II MD/CB/CAM Anual 1624 OT-100.0 58  

4th year, 1st and 2nd semester

Curricular Unit Scientific Area Duration Total Contact ECTS Observations
Follow-Up Seminars III MD/CB/CAM Anual 56 S-18.0 2  
Thesis III MD/CB/CAM Anual 1624 OT-100.0 58


(T-theoretical, TP-theoretical and practical, PL-Practical and laboratorial, TC-Field work, S- Seminar, E-Training, OT-Tutorial, O-Other)


a) The student must choose one of the Curricular Units marked as a Conditional Optional, with 4 ECTS.

b) Each student will have to choose one of the following Curricular Units: Optional Advanced Training OR Clinical Rotation: Advanced Dental Clinics OR Laboratory Rotation.

c) Each student who chooses this Curricular Unit must select five (5) Curricular Units marked as Optional, with 4 ECTS each; OR Carry out internships, advanced courses, publications of articles in journals, participation in national and international congresses, teaching activities, etc., for a total of 20 ECTS of Advanced Training.


Católica Medical School

Católica Medical School

E-mail: medicina.fm@ucp.pt
Phone: (+351) 218 724 200 (Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.)
Sintra Campus
Estrada Octávio Pato
2635-631 Rio de Mouro