Hospital Beatriz Ângelo

Hospital Beatriz Ângelo

Hospital Beatriz Ângelo (HBA) is a public hospital, located five minutes from Loures city centre. It is part of the National Health Service network, and managed by a private entity – the Sociedade Gestora do Hospital de Loures (SGHL), part of the Grupo Luz Saúde.

The HBA is a hospital focused on patient-centred healthcare. This is the guiding principle of Hospital Beatriz Ângelo’s organization and clinical management model – a modern, innovative hospital that aims to become a model within the public health service.

The HBA is an innovative health unit precisely because, in terms of clinical governance, it works differently from the norm in public hospitals. Rather than being divided into units according to medical specialty – where each unit possesses its own beds, resources and organization -, in the HBA specialties are all interconnected, allowing coordination of health care centred around patients. The distribution and organization of work are done transversally rather than vertically, as is the case in other public hospitals.