Intended learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students):
This CU will take a laboratory integration in a multidisciplinary approach and aims to introduce students to the main laboratory tools used in the context of clinical evaluation, as well as impart knowledge that will allow him to use and interpret these tools more appropriately.
In the field of knowledge, definitions, classifications and clinical diagnosis will be addressed. To get acquainted with the most used techniques in laboratory diagnosis of these diseases and to understand the contribution of the Clínical Laboratory in therapeutic monitoring.
In the field of skills, the student should be able to choose the most sensitive and specific diagnostic methodologies for the identification of autoimmune diseases; acquire the ability to perform some specific techniques in this area; identify the patterns by immunofluorescence. Be acquainted with biopathological validation and follow-up algorithms, framed in the clinical context.
The program contents are divided into essential knowledge in autoimmunity (definition, classification and susceptibility factors of autoimmune diseases and their pathophysiology); basic laboratory procedures for diagnosis in autoimmunity (Immunofluorescence, enzyme immunoassay, turbidimetry, immunoblotting); use of diagnostic algorithms; discussion of actual clinical cases.