We've been challenged by the UCP and Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si to promote Integral Ecology!
The idea arose to promote a circular economy during this period of increased Christmas consumption, where profits will be donated to a charitable cause yet to be defined. Thus, Católica Minted emerges!
M for Medical school,
M for Merry someone
M for Money for a cause
WHAT WILL HAPPEN? Second-hand market for Clothes / Books / Gadgets in good condition
WHEN? From November 27th to December 15th
WHERE? In the atrium of Católica Medical School
HOW? Self-service explained in this video
Starting from Monday, November 27th, you can bring the goods you wish to donate to Católica Minted. It's important to highlight that any unsold items at the end of the campaign will be donated!
The Católica Minted project organization