The photographic exhibition LerVitar arrives at the Católica Medical School Library

Wednesday, January 12, 2022 - 11:24

The Católica Medical School Library inaugurates its program of cultural activities for 2022 with the itinerant photographic exhibition LerVitar, by Rodrigo de Matos (Lisbon, 1985). This work is the result of the challenge launched to the author, in 2017, by the Library of NOVA School of Science and Technology, to design a work on the theme «the library and its users». Based on a principle formulated by himself - «the unsustainable lightness of reading» -, Rodrigo de Matos suggests, through six large-format, original and inspiring images, a representation of the perspective of «reading levitating», as well as of the readers, the ability to evade and the pleasure that reading can provide.  

The exhibition now arrives at the Católica Medical School Library, and can be visited on weekdays, between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm, until the 25th of February