Inês Lajas and Ana Raimundo, students of the Integrated Master Degree in Medicine at the Católica Medical School (FM-UCP), are co-authors of a publication in which they participated in a scientific research project.
During the first year of the Integrated Master, the students were invited to participate in a study, on a voluntary basis, led by Prof. Dr. Joana Torres, Professor at FM-UCP, Gastroenterologist at Hospital da Luz, the clinical partner of FM-UCP, and at Hospital Beatriz Ângelo, with which CMS recently signed a clinical collaboration.
Dr. Joana Revés, first author of the study “Early biological therapy within the first 12 months after diagnosis leads to higher clinical, endoscopic, and transmural remission in Crohn's disease: European multicenter study with a propensity-score matched analysis”, published in the Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, said that "we are currently developing two projects at Hospital Beatriz Ângelo in the area of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, the first on the impact of early biological therapy on the prognosis of Crohn's Disease, namely in achieving transmural remission and the second about a personalized approach in the treatment of Crohn's Disease through the use of an HLA polymorphism. Being both retrospective studies, the students Inês Lajas and Ana Raimundo collaborated mainly in the collection of essential data for the development of the projects, under the coordination and guidance of elements of the Gastroenterology service of the Hospital Beatriz Ângelo.”
This collaboration, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Paulo Bettencourt, Professor at FM-UCP and Deputy Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Health (CIIS), aims to include medical students in scientific research studies, to provide an experience of scientific research to FM-UCP students, from the first year.