Get To Know Católica Medical School

Open Day 

Open Day

The Open Day of Católica Medical School is held annually for high school students and their families with the aim of making known the Católica Medical School and the Integrated Master´s Degree in Medicine, enabling participants to learn about the teaching and learning methodology developed, Problem-based Learning (PBL).

For more informations:    

In 2025 this event will take place May 10, you can register here.


Open Door Católica Medical School

Porta Aberta - Visitas à FM

As part of the dissemination and promotion of Católica Medical School among potential applicants. The Católica Medical School can receive visits from individuals or from school groups interested in getting to know our school. 

Interested must contact  



Futurália 2022

Futurália is the biggest Portuguese event on Educational Offer, Training and Employability. Católica Medical School participates in the event - integrated in the representation of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa - with the aim of publicizing its training offer, as well as clarifying the doubts of potential candidates. 

Access the official webpage

In 2025 this event will take place from 26 to 29 of March


Qualifica is a fair of Educational Offer in Portugal. Católica Medical School participates in the event - integrated in the representation of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa - with the aim of publicizing its training offer, as well as clarifying the doubts of potential candidates. 

In 2025 this event will take place from 12 to 15 of March