Intended learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students):
- Causes, mechanisms, manifestations, prognosis and treatment of clinical situations requiring intensive care and / or continuous surveillance / monitoring;
- Preventive practices and critical patient monitoring;
- Intensive Care Severity Indices;
- Modes of ventilatory, renal and circulatory support
- Valuation of clinical data oriented towards therapeutic decision-making in the context of intensive care;
- Assessment of degrees of severity;
- Basic and advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation manoeuvres;
- Veno-puncture and arterial puncture for gasimetry;
- Placement of central venous catheters and arterial lines.
- Teamwork;
- Communication with the patient and family in the context of intensive care;
- Recognition of the technical and ethical limits of medical care / therapeutic;
- Presentation and discussion of clinical cases between pairs and intrahospital and interhospital referral.
Diagnosis, therapeutics and prognosis of life-threatening situations or irreversible organ damage, such as:
- acute coronary and aortic syndromes;
- acute heart failure / pulmonary edema / shock;
- cardio-respiratory arrest;
- sepsis;
- digestive haemorrhage;
- hepatic impairment;
- acute or chronic acute respiratory failure;
- hemoptysis / pneumothorax;
- ketoacidotic / hyperosmolar / hypoglycemic / hypothyroid condition, thyrotoxicosis, adrenal insufficiency;
- acute abdomen;
- acute renal failure.
Critical patient approach:
- Infection control and antibiotic therapy;
- Food prophylaxis / nutritional support;
- Invasive and noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring;
- Vital function support (ventilatory, renal, circulatory);
- Sedo / analgesia;
- Hypo and hyperthermia;
- Transfusion support;
- Acid-base and hydro-electrolytic changes.