Internal Medicine Rotation

20 ECTS / Modular / English

This UC is of the modular type and is taught three times a year to one group of students at a time.

Intended learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students)

At the end of these rotations, the student will be able to: 

  • Take a detailed patient’s history 
  • Perform a complete physical examination 
  • Create a list of problems, signs or symptoms 
  • Make a differential diagnosis with an order of probability (clinical reasoning skills) 
  • Propose relevant diagnostic tests 
  • Design a therapeutic plan 
  • Communicate with other health care professionals 
  • Cooperate in a professional health care team 
  • Use knowledge of relevant epidemiological and life style related and genetic risk factors in patient management Specific: 
  • At the end of these rotations, the student will be able to: 
  • Interpret basic laboratory test results 
  • Interpret an X-ray of the thorax 
  • Interpret an electrocardiogram 
  • Use basic pharmacotherapeutic skills (according to the six-step guideline) 
  • Perform a peripheral venous catheterisation 
  • Use evidence based medicine to answer a clinically relevant question (diagnosis or treatment) 
  • Reflect on ethical questions. 


Key disciplines: Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Dermatology, Pulmonology 

  • General Internal Medicine (6 weeks) 
  • Other clinical rotations (6 weeks, e.g. pulmonary medicine, cardiology, dermatology, oncology, intensive care, rheumatology, vascular medicine, infectious diseases, geriatric medicine); the local coordinator assigns rotations to students at random. The main goals for the junior clerkship are to identify and prioritize clinical problems, and to understand and select clinical interventions.