Christianity and Culture

2 ECTS / Semester / English

This CU is of the modular type and subsequent of Bioethics CU.

Intended learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students)

  • To awaken in students the awareness of the relevance of Christianity in our culture;
  • Check the different modalities of the relationship between Christianity and culture;
  • Provide instruments for a credible understanding of the Christian religious phenomenon.



I - Notions of culture and religion

  • Culture and cultures
  • The religious phenomenon: elements for a systematization

II - Christianity seen from inside

  • The Bible and the Jewish roots of Christianity
  • Jesus Christ: foundation and future of Christianity
  • Church: conviction and community

III - Christianity and culture

  • Stages, ruptures and current events


Invited Associate Professor
Participation in the Católica Medical School Coordinator of the curricular unit Christianity and Culture