Health Law

2 ECTS / Semester / English

This CU is of the modular type and precedent of Ethics and Health Care CU. Health Law aims to address the main laws that apply to the Portuguese health system, in articulation with European Law in this area.

Intended learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students)

  • Identifies the main laws of the Portuguese health system;
  • Analyzes the structuring legal principles of the Portuguese health system;
  • Discusses the main legal regimes of the Portuguese health system related to the practice of medicine;
  • Applies health legislation in the resolution of cases related to the practice of Medicine.



  • The legal system of a current rule of law;
  • The Constitutional Health Law;
  • The Basic Health Law;
  • The Basic Law on Palliative Care;
  • The Mental Health Act;
  • Legal regime of the rights of the users of the health system;
  • Legal regime of health consent;
  • Legal regime of health information;
  • The legal responsibility of the physician.


Associate Professor
Participation in Católica Medical School Coordination of the curricular unit Ethics and Health Care Coordination…