Nutrition, metabolism, health and disease

4 ECTS / Annual / Portuguese

Intended learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students):

  • In-depth bases on the pathophysiology of nutrition in health and disease;
  • Solid skills for the study and understanding of disease mechanisms, genetic expression and nutrients, mechanisms of cachexia and obesity;
  • Competencies in nutritional epidemiology, implementation and development of strategies for health promotion and primary, secondary and tertiary prevention;
  • Knowledge of modulating nutrients and/or with potential therapeutic activity;
  • Competence in nutritional diagnosis techniques: indirect, direct, imaging and molecular methods;
  • Skills in the search, selection and reading of scientific bibliography that allow the integration of new information and stimulate the development of scientific research, in an area in permanent updating in the area concerned;
  • Interests and competence in the development of research projects in the different scenarios: clinical, translational, basic and epidemiological in the area concerned.


  • Epidemiology and Primary prevention
    - Food, food patterns, nutrients and life styles
    - Inflammation
    - Microbiome
    - Body composition
    - Physical activity
  • Pathophisiology
    - Biochemistry
    - Immunology
  • Nutrition fundamentals
    - Nutrients
    - Nutrient metabolism
  • Energy
  • Protein
  • Lipids