Thinking and Doing I

9 ECTS / Modular / English

This CU is of the modular type, subsequent of Regulation and Integration CU and precedent of Digestion and Defence I CU. This CU constitutes the basis for 2nd year CU Thinking and Doing II.

Thinking and Doing I covers two main themes - "Movement" and "Brain", integrating the basic principles of movement and neurotransmission and including the anatomy of the lower limbs.


Intended learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students)

  • acquisition of basic neuroscientific knowledge that allows them to have an integrative vision of the nervous system, facilitating the future acquisition of skills and clinical knowledge, especially in the areas of Orthopaedics, Neurology and Psychiatry;
  • promotion and training of experimental, scientific and clinical skills, focusing not only on the acquisition of knowledge, but also on the process of discovery;
  • to learn and practice the methods and techniques of musculoskeletal physical-diagnostic examination and general neurological examination;
  • train communication and academic / scientific skills;
  • encourage and train reflection;
  • stimulate students to look to differences in health care and (im)possibilities in health care in non-Western countries.



  • Neuroanatomy and vascularisation of the central nervous system - macroscopy, microscopy and function;
  • Anatomy and function of the cranial nerves;
  • Anatomy and physiology of the ear and the auditory system;
  • Anatomy of the visual system;
  • Neuroanatomy and function of sensory pathways;
  • Neuroanatomy and function of the motor pathway;
  • Anatomy and function of the lower extremity;
  • Neurophysiology and neuropsychology with respect to cognition and consciousness;
  • Planning an initiation of movement;
  • Balance and posture;
  • Neurotransmission: stimulus generation, propagation and synaptic transmission;
  • Neurotransmitters and the dopaminergic neurotransmitter system;
  • Pain pathways, physiology of pain and gate control theory;
  • Relation between the functioning of specific parts of the brain and behaviour or functional loss, especially learning, memory and movement.


Assistant Professor
Participation in Católica Medical School Coordination of the curricular unit Thinking and Doing I Co…