DME Areas

Department of Medical Education

Faculty training programs (Faculty Development) and student support programs (Academic Development).

“Our training programs for mentors and tutors have a practical approach to student-centred learning, using role-play and real scenario methodologies, alongside group dynamics training. These programs aim at increasing the knowledge and how-to-do skills in PBL and Mentoring, thus supporting their implementation.”

Programs for the implementation of tutoring and mentoring systems, participation in post-graduate programs, promotion of intra and inter-university pedagogical collaboration, and communication.

“Our work is based on proximity and collaboration work with the faculty. To promote this, we created the PBL – Continuity Programme, that follows Medical School tutors throughout curricular blocks and tutorial groups implementation, promoting the continuity between these. This work promotes the standardization and implementation fidelity needed for the core teaching and assessment methodologies.”

Research programs in the areas of medical education and the implementation of the Integrated Master’s in Medicine. Medical Education doctoral program and scientific Publications/Communications.

“DME has several research lines, including:

  • Designing and implementing a new Medical School in Portugal
  • Admission and Assessment processes at Catolica Medical School
  • Teaching and learning activities evaluation
  • Development of learning and teaching methodologies and technologies”