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It is the policy of the Catholic University of Portugal, in all its formative offer, to try to alleviate the effort required from students and their families, for which:

  • there are annual scholarships for students, depending on the application grade to Católica Medical School and the economic situation of the student's household;
  • merit scholarships are foreseen to reward students who obtain better results;
  • students with financial difficulties can apply for State Social Action scholarships;
  • meals in the canteens are available at subsidised price;
  • accommodation and travel, during rotations and internships, are supported by the university.

Merit Award

At the Católica Medical School we have the annual merit awards.

The conditions for the attribution of merit awards depending on the objectives.

The Regulations for the Professor Alexandre Castro Caldas Merit Award for the Integrated Master in Medicine (2024/2025) are now available here.

The Regulations for the Clinical Academic Centre Merit Award for the Integrated Master in Medicine (2024/2025) are now available here.

The Regulations for the Santander Merit Award for the Integrated Master in Medicine (2024/2025) are now available here.

The Regulations for the Professor Vasco Quevedo Pessanha Merit Award for the Integrated Master in Medicine (2024/2025) are now available here.

The Regulations for the Corporis Fabrica Merit Award for the Integrated Master in Medicine (2024/2025) are now available here.

The Regulations for the Duque de Bragança Merit Award for the Integrated Master in Medicine (2024/2025) are now available here.

The Regulations for the Personal and Professional Development Merit Award for the Integrated Master in Medicine (2024/2025) are now available here.

Study Grant

The Católica Medical School have study scholarships annually, in the amount of the entire annual tuition fee.

The conditions for the attribution of study scholarship policy are as follows:

  • Scholarships for new students are attributed depending on the application grade to Católica Medical School and the economic situation of the student's household.
  • In subsequent curricular years, scholarships are awarded annually to all students who pass all the curricular units in each year and present an accumulated average grade above the established level in each academic year.
  • On the economic and social side, the Social Responsibility Office (GRS) of the Catholic University of Portugal analyzes and monitors the situations.

The Católica Medical School Scholarship Regulation 2024 is available here. For more information, please consult the GRS website or contact the GRS through

If you wish to apply for a scholarship, you can do so from July 15th to September 6th using the form.

Financing Protocols

A specific line of funding for medical students has been developed through protocols signed with reference banking institutions.

Logo CGD

Get to know the financing solutions offered by Caixa Geral de Depósitos.


  • Address: Alameda da Universidade | 1649 - 004 LISBON
  • Schedule: 10h00 - 16h30
BPI Crédito

check the BPI education Credit

For specific information on solutions for BPI Education Credit:

  • Counter: 049 - Algueirão - Mem Martins
  • Opening hours: from Monday to Friday from 8.30a.m. to 12p.m. and from 1p.m. to 3p.m.
  • Address: Estrada de Mem Martins, nº 277
  • Tel.: 21 922 72 60
  • Branch Manager: Carla Lopes Neto




To find specific information about solutions for Personal Credit for Training, go to a Millennium BCP branch.


Tuition fees

The value of the fees will reflect the estimated real cost of training a doctor in Portugal. 

For the 2024/2025 academic year, the fee structure is as follows:

Application Fee (General Admissions and Special Admissions - International Students)  420€
Enrollment and Annual Registration Fee (General Admissions and Special Admissions - International Students) 
(reference value - previous academic year)
1650 €

Monthly Tuition Fee (10 monthly fees per year) – students who are nationals of the European Union or the Community of Portuguese Language Countries 
(reference value - previous academic year)

1795 €
Monthly Tuition Fee (10 monthly fees per year) – international students 
(reference value - previous academic year)
2255 €

The value of tuition fees, payments and other fees are determined annually, and published in a separate document (Tabela de propinas, taxas e emolumentos), so these values may be subject to change in subsequent academic years. 

If you would like to find out more about our Tuition fee rates and payment terms, please contact us through our email

UCP is a non-profit public utility institution and its courses do not benefit from state funding. UCP's financial management is carried out with concerns for rigour and efficiency in the use of resources, with the aim of balancing the expenses it bears with the income it obtains. Accumulated net surpluses, when they exist, are reinvested in the development of the university.


Católica Medical School

Católica Medical School

Phone: (+351) 218 724 200 (Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.)
Sintra Campus
Estrada Octávio Pato
2635-631 Rio de Mouro