It is our great pleasure to invite the CMS-UCP community to take part in the first CBR Day, which will take place on the 25th of May 2023, in the Main Auditorium of the Católica Medical School (CMS) of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
The CBR Days will take place bi-annually at the Faculdade de Medicina. Our goals are to foster the interaction between the different CBR groups, and to increase the visibility of the research and activities promoted by the CBR to the CMS community (students, researchers and faculty) and to the national and international scientific community.
It will be a full day of seminars from members of the different CBR groups, including the new group leaders. We are also honoured to welcome Dr. Marc Veldhoen, from iMM , for the keynote seminar at 12h00 and a special guest seminar by our Dean, Prof. António de Almeida.
We count on your presence!