Pedro Mateus

Associate Professor

Generic Bio

Participation at Católica Medical School

  • Coordinator of the curricular unit Personal and Professional Development I and Mentor 
  • Member of Dean’s Board  
  • Head of Department of Medical Education  
  • Member of Pedagogical Board  
  • Member of Scientific Board 


Field of Work

Mental Health | Implementation Science | Medical Education 


Professional Activity


  • Miguel Bombarda Hospital 
  • São José Psychiatric Unit 
  • NOVA Medical School 
  • London School of Economics and Political Science  
  • Ministry of Health  
  • Directorate-General for Health 



  • Católica Medical School 



  • Degree in Psychoeducation 
  • PhD in Mental Health  


Summary of Professional Career : 

In 1999, starts his work as Psychoeducator at Miguel Bombarda Hospital. At the same time, begins teaching as an assistant of ​​Clinical Pedagogy. In the hospital, he dedicated himself to Psychoeducation for people with severe mental illness and to Early Intervention in Psychosis, participating in a research project led by the University of Melbourne, after an internship at the Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre. In 2007, he started working in the National Coordination for Mental Health, at the Ministry of Health, in public health areas associated with the implementation of the National Mental Health Plan. He was part of the European Commission Group of Governmental Experts in mental health for 10 years and a similar group at WHO-Europe, starting his work at the Directorate-General for Health in 2012. In 2014, he completed his PhD in mental health and began his work as a professor at NOVA Medical School, teaching also at other universities, including the Catholic University of Portugal, King's College London and the University of Concepción, in Chile. In 2016 he participates, as a postdoc, in an ERC project at the London School of Economics and in 2021 joins the faculty at Católica Medical School. 



Portuguese | English 


Evaluation of Noninvasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) guidelines using the AGREE II instrument

Maria José Rego de Sousa & Pedro Mateus (with Maria José Rego de Sousa). 2020. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine

Implementing Case Management in Portuguese Mental Health Services: Conceptual Background

Pedro Mateus 2017. Portuguese Journal of Public Health

EU COMPASS for Action on Mental Health and Wellbeing: Annual Report 2016 (EU Commission)

Pedro Mateus 2016. European Commission

Barriers to Case Management Implementation: Differences Between Mental Health Teams in Portugal

Pedro Mateus 2015. European Psychiatry

Joint Action on Mental Health and Well-being

Pedro Mateus 2015. European Commission

Mental Health Atlas 2014

Pedro Mateus 2015. WHO - World Health Organization

Patterns of Use in Mental Health Specialised Care: Treated Prevalence in the Portuguese Mental Health Services

Pedro Mateus 2015. European Psychiatry

Profiling Mental Health Services in Portugal: Seven Years After the Reform

Pedro Mateus 2015. European Psychiatry

The Impact of the Economic Crisis in Mental Heath: Redefining the Priorities of Mental Health Policies and Plans

Pedro Mateus 2015. European Psychiatry

Updating the Portuguese Mental Health Plan: a Swot Analysis

Pedro Mateus 2015. European Psychiatry

Variation of Mental Health Case Management Fidelity in a Geographically Small Country

Pedro Mateus 2015. European Psychiatry

A nation-wide staff training program for family psychoeducation in severe mental illness

Pedro Mateus 2014. European Psychiatry

Case management guideline assessment using the agree instrument: First results in portugal

Pedro Mateus 2014. European Psychiatry

Measurement of fidelity in case management practice

Pedro Mateus 2014. European Psychiatry

Portuguese mental health services and workforce profiles

Pedro Mateus 2014. European Psychiatry

Prevalent leadership profiles in portuguese mental health services

Pedro Mateus 2014. European Psychiatry

Tackling the stigma towards mental illness among medical students: implementation of a new programme to address an old ethical problem.

Pedro Mateus 2014. European Psychiatry

Assessing the impact of a full-time clerkship in a portuguese medical school: a focus on attitudes and career choice

Pedro Mateus 2013. European Psychiatry

Developing child and adolescent mental health services in portugal: challenges and obstacles

Pedro Mateus 2013. European Psychiatry

Family interventions for the severe mentally ill in portugal: a country-level project of training and implementation

Pedro Mateus 2013. European Psychiatry

Organizational culture and managers profiles in the portuguese mental health services

Pedro Mateus 2013. European Psychiatry

Portuguese mental health plan: where are we now?

Pedro Mateus 2013. European Psychiatry

Translating evidence into practice: renewed perspectives in mental health services organisation

Pedro Mateus 2013. European Psychiatry

Unmet needs of mental health services in portugal: comparing outpatient versus inpatient units

Pedro Mateus 2013. European Psychiatry

Mental health teams in Portugal: a weak link in the mental health reform?

Pedro Mateus 2012. European Psychiatry

Restructuring child and adolescent mental health services in portugal

Pedro Mateus 2012. European Psychiatry

Implementing a national case-management training program in Portugal

Pedro Mateus 2011. European Psychiatry

Reforming mental health services in Portugal

Pedro Mateus 2011. European Psychiatry

EU Compass for Action on Mental Health and Wellbeing: Annual activity reports of member states and stakeholders.

Pedro Mateus 2007. European Commission

Annual report 2017: Summary and analysis of key developments in member states and stakeholders

Pedro Mateus European Commission
Book Chapter

Utilização de serviços de saúde mental em Portugal em tempos de crise económica

Pedro Mateus Território e saúde mental em tempos de crise