
Luis Teixeira

(from September 2022)



Luís Teixeira graduated in Genetics and Microbiology at Faculty of Science, Lisbon Univ. He developed his PhD at EMBL, with P. Rørth, and defended it at Faculty of Medicine, Lisbon Univ., followed by a postdoc at Univ. of Cambridge with M. Ashburner. Luís has been a group leader at IGC since 2009 and an Invited Assistant Professor at Faculty of Medicine, Univ. of Lisbon, since 2012. He is an EMBO member and currently the coordinator of SymbNET, a European network on Host-Microbe Symbiosis.

From September 2022 on, Luís Teixeira will be an Associate Professor at Católica Medical School and a group leader and vice-director of the Católica Biomedical Research Centre. 


Host-Microbe Interactions

Virtually every multicellular organism establishes stable associations with microbes during its lifetime. These symbiotic interactions range from parasitic to mutualistic. A major challenge is to understand how these interactions are specified and regulated, and how the host and microbes influence each other at multiple levels (e.g. physiology, disease, evolution). Moreover, microbial symbionts also influence each other. We address these problems using Drosophila melanogaster and its symbionts as a model system.



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