Community, Medicine and Science - Project

4 ECTS / Modular / English

This elective CU is a part of the training offer in the 2nd year.

Intended learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students)

  • understand the basic principles for development and implementation of a project;
  • develop leadership and entrepreneurship skills;
  • acquire theoretical and practical experience in management of resources (material, human, time);
  • develop critical thinking and scientific methodology;
  • understand the importance of medical sciences in community development;
  • develop the capacity to identify needs for intervention in quality improvement, innovation or social and community development;
  • develop oral and written communication skills.


Theme Seminars

1. Plan and Execute

  • Project planning and outline
  • Leadership – types and tools
  • Resource management – material, human and time
  • Results and expectations – success and failure

2. Conclude and Assess

  • Critical analysis
  • Evaluation and lessons learned
Exclusive dedication to a project previously approved by Unit Coordination and inserted in one of the following areas:
  • Community – community intervention projects in health or social/humanist development
  • Medicine – project or participation in specific/differentiated training activities within a clinical/hospital/primary care scope
  • Science – integration in research projects outside the Católica Medical School, in any area of potential translational interest with medicine and biomedical sciences


Invited Assistant Professor
Participation in Católica Medical School  Coordination 1st Year of the Integrated Master in Medicine of Católica Medical…
Assistente Convidado
Participation in Católica Medical School Assistente Convidado da Faculdade de Medicina / Universidade Católica Portguesa…