This CU is intended for students to acquire and develop the knowledge and skills necessary for the successful development of their thesis.
At the end of this CU students should:
- have developed skills that allow them to prepare a doctoral thesis project properly structured, scientifically grounded, with a wellestablished work program;
- know how to elaborate a research plan, identifying the scientific questions and its objectives, which methodology or methodologies are more appropriate for the collection of information, how to interpret the results and present the conclusions obtained according to the theoretical framework studied;
- be able to prepare a final written document containing their research project and present it publicly to a jury appointed by the TSC;
- know the process of scientific communication and publication, and peer review.
In this CU, the following topics will be covered by all students:
- Nature of a research project.
- Structure of a research project.
- Preparation of the theoretical framework of the project: literature review, literature search.
- Identification of the theme, problem, and scientific questions.
- Criteria for choosing the thesis advisory team.
- Work plan timeline.
- Academic and scientific research rules, and funding.
- Research Methodologies.
- Scientific Communication.
The syllabus for each topic should be appropriate for each student, according to student’s individual thesis project. The CAT will select for each student, according to the development of each thesis project, the set of adapted programmatic contents that will allow each of the students to deepen his/her thesis project.