Intended learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students):
At the end of this Curricular Unit students should be able to produce a thesis reporting original scientific research.
To this end, all students must:
- Develop the work plan approved in the 1st year of the PhD programme, with the support of their supervision team.
- Be able to collect all the necessary information for presentation and discussion of results.
- Research and critically analyse the theoretical framework, the research methodologies best suited to their work, and the data collected.
- Be able to adjust and adapt their work where necessary.
- Communicate effectively in the scientific community.
The main objective is that the student is able to successfully and autonomously plan and execute the defined research plan, being able to produce and communicate science (e.g., doctoral student meetings, scientific papers, doctoral thesis, public discussion of the thesis).
The syllabus will be specific to each student according to the topic of their thesis. It will be mainly up to the supervision team to support the student in his research and literature review. Given the flexibility of this doctoral program, as well as the distinct paths that each student may take, the knowledge and skills to be acquired and developed may also be obtained through optional training. Whenever deemed necessary, the Thesis Supervision Committee may also intervene and support the student in the acquisition and development of knowledge and competences. de Acompanhamento da Tese poderá também intervir e apoiar o estudante na aquisição e desenvolvimento de conhecimentos e competências.